DMS 5 Axis Enclosed CNC Router Featured in Popular Mechanics

by | Jul 11, 2014 | Diversified Machine Systems

DMS 5 Axis CNC Router Featured in Popular Mechanics Magazine DMS CNC Router

Read the story of Brazilian artists, Radamés Ajna and Thiago Hersan on how they used the DMS 5 Axis Enclosed CNC Router at the Pier 9 Workshop in San Francisco to make a robotic megaphone. This month, in the July/August edition of Popular Mechanics, you’ll see a full-page spread about the story of Brazilian artists, Radamés Ajna and Thiago Hersan who are making a robotic megaphone for social media-oriented protests. The story is worth the read – pick up a copy. Read the online version here on it may be one of the first cases of our DMS CNC Routers being used to promote international free speech, it’s not new that Autodesk is helping other creators make prototypes and other molds on their DMS 5 Axis CNC. This particular mold was made out of medium-density fiberboard with the final product being slated to be market-ready by summer. Autodesk’s Pier 9 Workshops are a collection of maker-spaces consisting of a Digital Fabrication Room, a Woodshop, a Metalshop,  a 3D Printshop, a Project Room, an Electronics Shop, and also a Commercial Kitchen – a creator’s dream. Their DMS 5 Axis Enclosed CNC Router is model number 5O5-5-5-36S, which sports a 5′ by 5′ table with 3′ of z stroke, complete with an 8-position tool rack. Congrats to Radamés Ajna and Thiago Hersan on one of many (and future) acheivements!  

Watch Delcam TV’s video on Autodesk’s Pier 9 DMS 5 Axis CNC Router.

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